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The complete automatic dispensing machine system should be composed of dispensing robot, handheld programmer, dispensing controller, etc. Dispensing robot consists of "mechanical + motor + motion control card".

Automatic dispensing machine to achieve three-dimensional action, mainly by the control card issued instructions, completed by the three-axis manipulator.

The mechanical part is divided into three degrees of freedom transmission mechanism platform. The rubber head can be mechanically located to any (X, Y, Z) coordinate in space. The motion control card is actually an intelligent computer. It sends pulses to the motor driver, causing the motor to drive the mechanical motion. It can control the machine out of a variety of tracks, flexible control of motion speed, acceleration, high precision positioning. In order to adapt to the rapid development of industrial dispensing equipment to automation, people in the years of motion control system research results, introduced a new industrial dispensing robot product for enterprise application. According to the actual production needs, under the premise of meeting the movement performance index, the product structure is optimized to meet the flexibility and speed requirements in the dispensing process, improve the reliability of the product, and effectively reduce the cost of the product.

With the development of industry, the demand for products using adhesives and chemical synthetic resins is increasing. To semiconductor, video recorder, electronic parts, construction industry, automobile industry, aviation industry and other industries as the leading to put forward new requirements for hydraulic control technology. At the same time, with the miniaturization, lightweight, rational production, low cost and other needs, the performance and accuracy of the fluid spitting control machine has also been improved.

In the process of dispensing, there will be a variety of problems. Such as leakage, sealing is not strict resulting in glue curing, bubbles, poor curing and so on. These problems often plague users. Therefore, I suggest that in the choice of dispensing machine, do not only consider the cost, as the saying goes, a penny a goods, to choose a good reputation dispensing machine。

The leak problem must be a seal problem, because it is not high precision, in the design or durability of defects. The seal is not strict, there are buckets and pipes, seemingly simple pipes, for specific glue to choose professional feed pipe, etc. There are two reasons for poor curing, one is the proportion of glue precision is not enough. Second, the mixing effect is not good. Therefore, the accuracy of the metering pump is particularly important. There are two ways to mix: static and dynamic. As for which way to choose, it is also necessary to determine the actual performance of the glue。

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