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Single head double platform automatic screw machine is currently in the market to sell to customers of the screw machine types are very many, customers can according to their needs to choose to suit their own screw machine, in the selection of screw machine when we generally according to the characteristics of the customer to choose, to ensure that customers to get the economic and affordable price more suitable for their own screw machine equipment...
Always do not understand, IC inside the package is thousands of capacitors, resistors, diodes, audion and other components, the internal structure of the same kind of IC is the same, but by burning different procedures into the same kind of IC can achieve different functions. When you burn a program, you just have electrons running around in the IC. What did the program of burning IC do, before and after burning IC what kind of material changes?...
The traditional burning process is manual operation, low efficiency, and difficult to guarantee the quality, has been difficult to adapt to the rapid development of electronic manufacturing industry requirements. The emergence of automatic IC burning machine for the electronic manufacturing industry to improve efficiency and quality has brought a new choice, and gradually replace manual, become the mainstream IC chip burning equipment. Burner is a very important product for chip burning...
Tablet computer has become a modern device commonly used in People's Daily life, tablet computer can be used for entertainment, work, life and so on. During the production process, the tablet case needs to be packaged, and a fully automatic dispensing machine can be used to enhance the packaging quality and efficiency of the tablet case. Packaging application computer automatic dispensing machine has the characteristics of high precision and good stability. It can be applied to different products...
With the continuous development of society, semiconductor and integrated circuit has become the theme of The Times, which directly affects the mechanical properties of semiconductor and integrated circuit is the process of chip packaging, chip packaging has been a major problem in industrial production, how to overcome this problem, and how to apply it in the chip packaging industry? First, chip bonding Printed circuit boards are prone to displacement during welding...
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