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1、 Excellent performance: This system can switch the packaging methods of IC incoming and outgoing materials at any time according to different packaging methods such as disk mounting, tube mounting, and tape mounting. The same system can simultaneously perform three functions of IC burning, printing, and packaging conversion. 2、 Intelligent operation: Under the control of powerful software, a series of automated IC feeding can be carried out
Early burnable IC is mainly EPROM which can be used to erase data by ultraviolet light, the amount is not large. In recent years, a variety of burnable IC such as EEPROM, Flash, Nand Flash, Nor Flash, PLD, CPLD, and other highly integrated IC have been published, a variety of information, communication, home appliances, handheld electronic products to be in the volume, function, power saving, reliability of various aspects of improved. Thanks in part to advances in burnable IC...
People are now using the automatic soldering machine is integrated into a higher level of science and technology of a machine equipment, obviously it can rely on the computer to operate as long as the relevant coefficient can be set up to fully achieve automation accurate and accurate to complete each step of the work, even can be said to be once and for all. More specifically, the advantages of automatic soldering machine include the following aspects...
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