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Early burnable IC is mainly EPROM which can be used to erase data by ultraviolet light, the amount is not large. In recent years, a variety of burnable IC such as EEPROM, Flash, Nand Flash, Nor Flash, PLD, CPLD, and other highly integrated IC have been published, a variety of information, communication, home appliances, handheld electronic products to be in the volume, function, power saving, reliability of various aspects of improved. Thanks in part to advances in burnable ics.

IC burning overview

Burning is done through a burner or a burning card.  


Early burnable IC is mainly EPROM which can be used to erase data by ultraviolet light, the amount is not large. In recent years, a variety of burnable IC such as EEPROM, Flash, Nand Flash, Nor Flash, PLD, CPLD, and other highly integrated IC have been published, a variety of information, communication, home appliances, handheld electronic products to be in the volume, function, power saving, reliability of various aspects of improved. Thanks in part to advances in burnable ics.


Manufacturers from the semiconductor business to buy all kinds of burning IC data area for blank, before the assembly of the latest version of the control program and data use IC burner write, this is a more important than IC test is necessary process, generally by the final electronic product manufacturer to complete the implementation, is rarely put forward to discuss the field.

IC burning required burner tools classification:

1. Manual type:

Manual type is divided into research and development and mass production of two kinds, research and development of manual type mainly provides engineers in the development of new products required by variable burning needs, so the IC model, type, packaging, requirements of the wider range of options, the better.

2. Fully automatic type:

The automatic type is divided into gravity slip type of tube IC and pick& of disc IC; There are two main types of place. As it belongs to the production equipment, the key point of its selection is that the manufacturer has enough hardware and software technology and ability to solve the problem quickly, so as to avoid the predicament of production line shutdown. The important manufacturers are Heluo and Chongmao.

The development direction of IC burning

China has become the world's electronic products manufacturing factory, is bound to be the largest demand for IC burning, including MCU and Flash(128M above) two types of major IC burning is the strategic focus of chip development. Lo He Chong Trade.

Classification of burnable ics

MCU class can burn IC

MCU class can burn IC, at present, there are many SINGLE chip controller (SINGLE MCU) on the market can be through the matching burner for one or more data burning. MCU that can be burned only once is called OTPMCU(ONE TIME PROGRAMBLE MCU), as opposed to MTP MCU(MULTI TIME PROGRAMBLE MCU), which can be burned multiple times.



MCU is usually produced by the producer in the product assembly through a matching burner to burn the data, the sharp IC once burned, burned data will not be able to change again  


MCU,Different from OTP MCU, this type of IC through the matching burner can be burned many times, erase, some built in FLASHMCU can even burn not less than 100,000 times.

Storage class can burn IC

Memory class can burn IC: many categories, such as EPROM, EEPROM, NOR FLASH, SPROM, NAND FLASH and so on.   

EPROM, NOR FLASH, EEPROM, SPROM is mainly used to store our data or programs, we have been commonplace, compared with the production of NAND FLASH manufacturers can be said to be almost everywhere, there are quite a number of universal burn writer on the market can burn data into these IC.  

NAND FLASH is made by a few manufacturers, including Samsung, and is widely used in USB flash drives, MP3, MP4, ELA and electronic dictionaries.

IC burner burner universal burn writer for most EPROM, EEPROM, NOR FLASH, SPROM for universal burn writer can meet the requirements of data burn, and part of the high-grade burn writer even support some famous brand OTP or MTP chip, For example, Heluo's partial burner can burn OTP and MTP of MICROCHIP, EMC and other manufacturers.

Special burner Each OTP, MTP manufacturers have their own corresponding chip burner. In addition, some manufacturers and individuals make special burner for individual or part of EPROM, EEPROM, NOR FLASH to meet production or other needs.

On-line programming

Some systems need to be modified or upgraded automatically or manually during operation and that requires online programming. For example: the current market of digital electronic dictionaries, manufacturers usually provide automatic network upgrade services, consumers in a period of time after the need to update the learning content or upgrade the system, you can use the computer through manual operation or automatic upgrade products.

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